Yeast Infection Garlic Remedy How To Cure Yeast Infection Naturally Using Kitchen Items

April 25, 2009

Yeast Infection Garlic Remedy – How To Cure Yeast Infection Naturally Using Kitchen Items

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What is The Cause Yeast Infections? How Did I Get Here?

Yeast infections are caused by the micro-organisms Candida albicans. Candida is a naturally existing micro-organism established in our body. Fungi causes infections when the host environment changes, this is true even with humans. This change in the surroundings may vary from acid and alkaline imbalance to poor nutrition. Some triggers also include an increased intake of sugar, changes in the body’s hormones, antibiotic drugs, and even oral contraceptive pills. These components can induce the fungi to be present resulting in very irritating symptoms.

What About Over The Counter Yeast Infection Treatments?
While there are a variety of treatments available to alleviate the discomfort created by a yeast infection, these products may be quite expensive or will not give you the quick relief you need. Also, there is always the possibility that fungi will acquire a resistance to over the counter yeast infection medications. You can battle micro-organisms with other micro-organisms, specifically probiotic microflora which are friendly and exist naturally in the vagina and digestive tract. When probiotic microflora flourish, it suppresses the development of the Candida responsible for the infections. It’s a battle of micro-organisms. The probability that you can easily get these cures at home is real slim however.

What about Yeast Infection Home Remedies?

The good news is, there are several yeast infection home remedies that are effective in helping you naturally cure yeast infection over time.Some have successfully treated yeast infections with garlic. The antibacterial properties of garlic can help in getting rid of those pesky fungi. The main drawback is the smell, oof!

Garlic has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which work well in killing off yeast infections. It is most effective at the beginning of the infection. Here is how you can apply it to treat yeast infections.

Eat one or two garlic cloves a day.

I know this is easier said than done as garlic tastes horrible. However, the benefits of doing this far outweigh the discomfort of tasting a bit of garlic. You can always get the garlic pills, which are available at most health food stores.

Apply garlic directly to the affected area.

You can wrap the garlic in a gauze first but some find this step painful and unnecessary. Another method of application is to make a paste from the garlic and to apply it on affected yeast zones. You can also put the paste in a cheesecloth or gauze and insert it into the vagina. Leave the garlic inserted for several hours at a time, preferably overnight. Be sure to remove it when you wake up in the morning. If your yeast infection is fairly mild, you should feel some relief after several applications in a few days when the symptoms disappear.

Although garlic is a proven yeast infection home remedy, it will not cure your yeast infection by itself. In order to permanently eliminate yeast infection you need treatment that is designed to attack the source of the problem, the yeast spores. Most commercial yeast infection remedies fail to do this which explains why we see recurrent yeast infection problems in a lot of women.

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If You Have Had it With The Itching, Burning and Swelling, & need INSTANT Relief From Yeast Infection For Good, Then Click Here.

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